

Fidocal™ is a calcium and magnesium supplement for dogs. Use Fidocal when feeding homemade dog food recipes to supply daily calcium and magnesium for healthy body function.

girl feeding dog in kitchen

Boosted, Tailored Toppers

Sometimes a little calcium boost is exactly what they need to nudge their bone health into proper gear. Simply sprinkle our Fidocal powder on, and voilà, meal-time is go-time for their energy-abound bodies. Easy to use. Easy to choose. Packed with essential ingredients needed to maintain healthy bones.

dog eating out of food bowl

Feeding Instructions

Use FidOcal™ when making homemade dog food recipes to supply daily calcium and magnesium. Add one tablespoon of FidOcal™ to every 5 cups of homemade dog food and mix in evenly. This jar contains approximately 27 tablespoons of supplement.

Nutritional Information

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Magnesium carbonate


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