6 Autumn Activities To Do With Your Dog

How to Bond With Your Dog | Dog Bonding Tips for Fall
Autumn is just around the corner, make the most of it with these pet and family friendly activities!
Visit an Apple Orchard
Many orchards allow dogs, but call ahead to confirm dog's are allowed -
Eat Fall Treats
Let your best buddy get a taste of fall with Fruitables Bison & Apple Jerky Bites or Fruitables Pumkpin & Blueberry Treats Fruitables are made with wholesome superfoods to be both healthy & delicious -
Shop at a local Farmers Market
Farmers markets are a great way to spend some quality time with your pet on the weekend. Most farmers markets do allow dogs but check before showing up. -
Go on a Nature Hike
Enjoy the fresh fall air with your best bud, and protect them from Fleas and Ticks with Zoguard - Comparable to Frontline Plus, contains the same active ingredients, and offers the same level of flea and tick protection at a better value -
Visit a Pumpkin Patch
Let your pal take lead in the corn maze and see if they can fugure it out! If you take cute pumpkin patch pics, send them to customersupport@dinovite.com -
Make a costume for your pet this Howl-O-Ween
With Halloween coming up, keep your dog safe from candies containing Xylitol as it is a highly toxic ingredient if ingested.
Whatever you do this Autumn season, spending time with your buddy is always a good idea.
Make the most of your time with your friend before the year is over!
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