Raw Diet Basics Part 2

Raw Feeding for Dogs Tips: Part 2
The DOs of the feeding a raw diet are covered in a previous blog post titled, "Raw Diet Basics Part 1". However, when preparing your own homemade diet for your dog or cat, there are some foods you will want to avoid.
Grains or Carbohydrates
You don't want too many grains or carbs in the diet because these break down into sugars; and sugar feeds yeast. Cats and dogs have yeast already in their bodies. Too many grains and carbs can trigger a yeast overgrowth. If your dog or cat has a stinky body odor (even just after a bath,) or has a foul odor or yucky goo in their ears, these are signs of yeast overgrowth. To rid your beloved friend of this irritating and nasty problem, eliminate all carbs, grains and starches from the diet; which will starve out the yeast. Check out this Recipe for a 'Yeast Starvation Diet' to start clearing up your pet's yeast today!
Your pet also has a much shorter digestive tract than you do so digesting grains is more difficult for him. Soaking rice overnight in filtered water with a bit of vinegar, will make grains more digestible for your canine. Most days, simply providing meaty bones or meat with sources of calcium like crushed egg shell, will be best.
Cats are obligate carnivores and don't have a requirement for carbs at all; however, this type of diet cannot be found commercially. It has to be provided by you, the owner and caretaker of your cat. I have not found one commercially available all meat diet for cats.
Dogs are carnivores, however they can handle a small amount of carbs if prepared correctly. This may only apply to dogs who are highly active and who burn through the carbs quickly. This is an option but not a requirement for dogs. This is probably the most controversial point in regard to feeding the raw diet. There are two strong camps, one that dogs are strict carnivores and one that dogs are omnivores but mainly carnivores.
Toxic Foods
Certain foods are poisonous to dogs and cats.
- Grapes Raisins
- Peaches
- Grapefruit
- Various fruit pits and seeds
These are just a few of the fruits that are NO-NOs for your furry pal.
- Coffee
- Walnuts
- Macadamia nuts
Can cause lethargy, vomiting and tremors.
- Mushrooms
Can have various effects on pets such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, tearing, liver failure, seizures, drooling, and in some cases, death.
- Chocolate
Now that you know some of the benefits of feeding your pet a raw diet, and have learned a few of the basics for creating your very own diet at home, we recommend giving it a go! It's the least (and perhaps the best) thing you can do for your furry best friend!
How much to Feed?
Take your pet's weight and multiply it by:
- 2% if your dog is fat
- 2.5% - 3% to maintain present weight
- Feed more % to fatten a skinny dog
- Puppies may require up to 10% of body weight
Remember this is only a starting point. Adjust everything up or down, depending on your pet's condition.
A good barometer is your dog or cat himself. If he acts hungry, feed him more. If he is too plump, cut back on his food.
You are the common sense in this equation. You know your pet best, so just do what works for your your pet!
*All information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the expert advice of a veterinarian or veterinary practitioner.
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